Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Support for kang Rohman in SEO Contest Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

The contests Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 almost ended, and stayed a few days, so many people that following in this contest, the competition is so tight, without exception kang Rohman also participated in the contest Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 . as a sense of gratitude to kang Rohman, because he had given so much knowledge to me and also has given place to me for sharing with friends here.

To all myfriends let us support kang Rohman, please Copy the HTML code below and paste it in your blog:

that is the only support I can give to kang Rohman and I hope he is successfull, amin.


Shy_SkaTeL said...

Aku dukung kang Rohman ikut kontesnya :))

BTW link kamu dah masuk blog ku...

aku nunggu Link backnya Lho..... :)

Cara Belajar

Anonymous said...

SEO Company India
Elite SEO Technologies offers affordable Search Engine Optimization, Link Building and Web Development Company in India and World Wide. SEO Company India SEO Services India from a professional SEO India.

partelon said...

Peace sells.... But who's buying?
(Megadeth, 1986)

ebeeth mproot said...

thanks a lot for your comment and information
I hope you come back again on the next time...

Unknown said...

selamat bertanding.... (kyk PON aja nih)
semoga sukses

Anonymous said...

Tambah mantap nie postingannya, sukses dech selalu buat anda

Yanuar Catur said...

horas kang rohman..

ebeeth mproot said...

@Muh.Ihsan "ya nih selamat bertanding wat kang Rohman".

@Nirvana & Yanuar"Horas juga nih..."

@Otak's "Berjuang juga bwat Otak's hahaha..."
makasih smuanya ya...mari kita dukung kang Rohman hehehe......"

tiyo avianto said...

wah pendukung nya kang rohman ya

Anak Nelayan said...

ikut dukung kang rohman

AnJeLaNeT Palangkaraya said...

untuk sobat, apa yg gak di dukung. sukses selalu..,

Rinto said...

giving support 100% to Kang Rohman

Panca said...

gud luck fren....

mproot said...

@all pokok namah makasih buat semuanya...
kita dukung kang rohman.... :19

Ajeng said...

:40 :40 dukung Kang Rohman!!!

maininternet said...

siang semua :20

maininternetan said...

aku datang sobat, mantap blognya

bunga raya said...

kang rohman ok abiszzzzz
salam kenal

ulasthree said...

halooo bro.... aku mampir buat kasih komen...

awan_clickerz said...


aku juga dukung dg DOA

Yup !

Kiki Fatmala said...

kampanye nya blm berakhir ya? Masih ada pilpres mendatang.. Gud Luck ya bro...

Able said...

:16 maju terusss


oce,,oce :42

Arie said...

nice blog bro...
minta saran n kritik buat My BlOg :17

yoyok said...

pasti dukung 14

yoyok said...

pasti dukung :14

Anonymous said...

blog nya aneh heeheh :17

HPK-UIN said...

Okey sob..met bertanding buat kang Rohman n moga ja menjadi yang terbaik... :16

Anonymous said...

kang roman is number one :29

Transfer Pulsa XL said...

moga sukses nih.. :D tinggal menghitung hari...

Planet Jingga said...

jgn lupa mkn2 klo menang....buat yg sudah ksi link supportnya. nice blog :17

roomen said...

:14 enakan merokok sambil :17 kopi hangat.

tyo said...

klo yang jelas enakanya ya...ngopi.........hehhehe :17 sambil baca buku :23 , hehehhee

admin said...

@smuanya thnks ya dah komentar...
lebih enak lagi :14 :17 dapet :35

pkoknya makasih deh semuanya.......

Anonymous said...

:10 :11 :12 :13
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:30 :31 :32 :33
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